Sunday, December 8, 2013

Why at Night?: A Different Advent Message (Edited 11/1/2015)

Central Text: John 3:1-21


This chapter easily contains one of the most famous verses in the Bible, John 3:16. I submit to you that that verses 16-18 formulate the thesis statement of the Gospel. (I have been sitting on this since Advent last year, I believe that the message that follows is appointed for this Advent season. Often we disconnect Christmas from the Gospel, but the Gospel must remain at the heart of it all.) The gift of God as Jesus gives us access to eternal life. Too often we stop at the end of verse 16, but the argument laid out by the Gospel is completed by by clearly stating its case for believers and unbelievers. Verse 17 clearly describes the role of Jesus in the process of salvation (We explore the context later). Verse 18 is clear and direct about the clear delineation between believers and unbelievers. Jesus clearly declares that those that do not believe will not receive eternal life.


The context of this exchange, is not Jesus standing before a crowd laying out his case for the Gospel. This is a personal conversation at midnight between two men who normally would be philosophical rivals. (Such a beautiful display of the availability of the Gospel, even to Christ's enemies.) Thus, the question remains: "Why at Night?" I grew up hearing judgment and condemnation towards Nicodemus because he came to Jesus at night. I was in a church cantata, called Nic at Nite, I remember all of the cheesy songs imploring us as followers of Christ to be unafraid of living out our faith in front of friends, family and the world. A wonderfully valuable lesson to be gathered from (or inferred) from the scenario in John 3BUT, I think over-emphasizing this aspect misses an opportunity to deal with humility and showing us how the message of Christ is both global and and intimate. 

Yes, this analysis is a logical, historically and traditionally accurate assumption that Nicodemus was trying to avoid religious and political reprisal as a master teacher and leader in the Sanhedrin (the political and religious body allowed by the Roman government to manage the Jewish people...contained Pharisees, Sadducees, as well as priests and scribes.). For obvious reasons, Jesus was on the most wanted list. He caused an uproar in the temple courts (see John 2). The religious elite postured a position of subversion and fear. Jesus spoke a Gospel that was earth-shattering. A Gospel that incorporated humble religious authority with a hope that rang true in a hopeless world. This Gospel changed and renewed the lives of those that believed.

Analysis and Application:

Nicodemus approached Jesus first with an unusual respect, calling him a God-sent, master-teacher. His questions to Jesus came out of genuine searching for an answer an explanation for the world in which Nicodemus lived. His position and knowledge as a Pharisee seemed to hinder his ability to understand Jesus' message, so Nicodemus shed them and humbled himself before Jesus Christ. This is counter to the response of his co-patriots and political rivals. Nicodemus decided to find the man that was in the middle of the uproar in the temple. John says at the end of his gospel, "that all the books in the world couldn't fully explain all that Jesus did on earth." (see John 21:25). "Nic" had to have heard about the miracles and heard about the messages and exchanges and was drawn to learn more about this man. This meeting at night ultimately allowed Christ to privately present the Gospel and reach a man that needed to be reached.

The conversation sails over the head of the master-teacher. But look at the patience of Christ demonstrated by his willingness to continue to work the lesson with his willing pupil. Worth Noting that this is a practical demonstration of the transaction between God and man. We are given the Gospel to believe long before we possessed the ability to understand it. Faith is not born from understanding it is born from God (See John 3:5-8). The conversation goes from birth through water vs. birth in the Spirit, to the wind, to Jesus prophetic analogizing to Moses in the wilderness. (cf. Num. 21:4-9). Jesus starts the clock on His crucifixion with this conversation. When Christ is lifted up the gift of God will be on display. Christ exposes the heart of the Gospel with these words, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world that He might condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. (John 3:16-17). Literally, God painted His love upon human history before the world began. The heavens declare the glorious works of God. This unprecedented display of God's love keeps us talking about Jesus, celebrating Christmas and Easter.

But, God's unprecedented display of love carries with it a weight for those that reject it. This is why the conversation does not end at verse 17. This gift radiates through history and those that repeatedly reject the encounter, the invitation of Christ are condemned already. The very same love that is shared to the whole world when rejected places a seal on the condemnation. It is the extension of clemency to those on death row, the rejection of clemency is not the fault of the one who offered, but the fault of the one who rejects it. Thus, the sentence is both lifted and sealed in the blood of Christ, but is not truly lifted until we accept the sacrifice.

So What Now?

Paul said, "We are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, 'be reconciled to God.' For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Cor. 5:20-21). The exchange between Nicodemus and Jesus was deeper than a colloquy about salvation. It was an invitation, a call to become a Kingdom ambassador. Salvation is the exchange of sin-riddled garments of spiritual poverty and death for kingly robes. Ultimately, this meeting at night is available for all of us. Jesus is ready to meet with each of us where we are. Advent came when the world appeared least ready, but in reality it was the most ready. Salvation and reconciliation is available to all who will respond to the invitation. The time of day, the environment, the location does not matter. Christ is standing ready and available at all times to receive us.

Be blessed,

Happy Advent!!


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